
The four skills to Success


It is the domain of knowledge and information. For a long time, it was considered to be “the key” to success. Belief widely held yesterday, much less today: “a good diploma will open the doors to employment and professional success”. How many young graduates are unemployed today! How many graduates vegetate in positions of little interest! The diploma and more broadly the knowledge we have constitutes a fraction of our capital for success but not all of it, far from it. However, in our world of “knowledge economy”, we have to be careful throughout our lives to enrich and update this capital to stay in touch with society and the economy. Here are some ways to effectively activate this first area of knowledge.
  • Continue to learn (internships, certifications, experience sharing group, etc.)
  • Releasing information and knowledge that have become obsolete
  • Capitalize on his experiences, his successes, learn also from his failures
  • Being open, listening, observing
  • Confronting others, exchanging, reflecting and searching with
  • Having varied fields of interest to better open up to the complexity of the world and to systemic functioning
  • Identify its filters (values, beliefs, opinions, a priori …) which can lead to distortions, exclusions or excessive focus in the capture and processing of information
  • Practice activating your different sensory registers (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory) to enrich your perception of the world and capture as much information as possible
  • Learn to sort and prioritize information

Success “KNOW-HOW”:

Social skills refer to our emotional skills: self-knowledge, self-management, motivation, empathy, relationships with others. Today, these skills are absolutely essential in business. Many skills incorporate emotional skills. They very concretely refer to things like:
  • how we collaborate with others
  • how we fit into a team
  • how we exercise leadership
  • how we manage our emotions
  • how we manage a conflict
  • how we motivate ourselves
  • Etc….

Know yourself well, that is to say:

  • become aware of the emotions that we produce, identify those that we feel most often
  • know the effect that our emotions have on our relationship with ourselves, on our relationships with others, on our work and on our performance
  • identify the thoughts and situations that generate situations of emotional disturbance and stress
  • become aware of your strengths / assets, weaknesses, potential and personal limits
  • encourage feedback from our different working partners

Managing yourself to control yourself well, that is to say:

  • know how to identify the onset of disturbing emotions and impulses (fear, anger, vexation, surprise …) as well as stress
  • train to control disturbing emotions and stress: keep calm, stay positive, think clearly and stay focused
  • stay authentic, to build relationships based on trust
  • recognize your own mistakes and make them a source of learning
  • be reliable: measure and keep commitments
  • be open to new ideas
  • build on long-term success and not just immediate results
  • practice thinking before acting to avoid impulsive decisions

Know your sources of motivation to motivate yourself, that is to say:

  • clarify what matters to us; what we want our work to bring us. What will make us say that we have succeeded
  • be results-oriented, with a requirement for success and quality in what we undertake
  • be able to set demanding goals and take calculated risks
  • fight and overcome doubts by a constant search for information and methods to succeed
  • practice taking initiatives
  • identify and seize opportunities
  • cultivate one’s optimism, that is to say work with the hope of succeeding rather than with the fear of failing

Being empathetic, becoming aware of others, that is to say:

  • by listening, observing and paying attention, capturing the emotional signals emitted by others
  • be sensitive and understand the point of view of others
  • research and identify the needs and concerns of others
  • maintain cordial and respectful relationships with people of varied backgrounds and different cultures
  • reject prejudice and intolerance
  • demonstrate political sense, to decipher the invisible human and political relationships implicit in an organization
  • knowing how to lucidly interpret the essential power relations and influence networks that matter within an organization

Develop your relational skills and social skills, that is to say:

  • knowing how to listen with kindness and interest, even if what is expressed by others is contrary to our opinions, our beliefs, our values ​​(which does not mean approving)
  • adapt his speech, his arguments to the personality of his interlocutors, their expectations, the context …
  • send clear messages adapted to the language and frame of reference of its interlocutors
  • make specific requests and ensure the understanding of others to avoid any misunderstanding
  • communicate, being at least as attentive to form, to non-verbal language (gesture, look, posture, tone …) as to content
  • be modest, but show a calm assertiveness, without resorting to attack, threat, blackmail, devaluation of others, and without turning into a doormat
  • identify the sources of potential conflict; clarify disagreements and try to defuse them
  • if need be, know how to accept mutual, fair concessions and work in search of solutions where each party wins
  • know how to work in a team, create synergy by defining common goals; communicate enthusiasm and dynamism to teammates and partners
  • to be generous
  • knowing how to be funny, showing humor and in particular knowing how to laugh at oneself


This is what in the professional world corresponds to business competence. I can know the chart of accounts by heart (cognitive knowledge) and not know how to keep accounts: make the entries, settle an account, establish an income statement…. (know-how / professional competence). This know-how, this skill can be defined as the ability to make, produce, achieve … a result, if possible the expected result. It is this ability to do that interests the company. To be sure of mastering a skill, no other way than to implement it and assess if the result produced corresponds to the expected result. Hence the importance of practical training and employment. How many young people have such a hard time finding a first job because they are accused of this lack of practice and immediate efficiency. Here are some ways to activate this third area of knowledge:
  • to do, to train (to be sustainable, a skill must be maintained)
  • experiment by giving yourself a right to make mistakes
  • evaluate the results produced
  • observe, take example,
  • copy those who master the targeted skills particularly well
  • take advice
  • be coached, monitored, mentored
  • identify their talents / aptitudes, their main skills
  • take advantage of its shortcomings, its shortcomings
  • know how to use / request the skills of others (employees, colleagues, partners, service providers, etc.)
  • be able to question ineffective practices and behaviors
  • innovate

Strategic competence:

“Know-how” refers to what one might call a “strategic skill” to position oneself well in one’s professional and social universe. We are in a world marked by “image”, “competition” including for individuals. Thus, it is not enough to achieve something, it is also necessary to be able to make it known. This “know-how” refers to what can be called “strategic marketing of the self”. Here are some ways to activate this fourth area of knowledge:
  • work on your image
  • build on his positive otherness, on his distinctive strengths
  • decipher the networks of power, influence
  • make yourself visible, make yourself known to strategic people
  • build and maintain a solid network
  • build coalitions of allies
  • rely on a few mentors and sponsors with powers and influence
  • skillfully communicate what we are doing, what we have succeeded with strategic partners
  • join working groups, projects, clubs, influential associations
  • use relays (colleagues, partners — customers, suppliers …- …) who can talk about themselves with strategic partners
  • render service
  • be grateful
  • handling seemingly contradictory but in fact complementary emotional skills. For example: being open and vigilant, assertive and conciliatory, friendly but capable of defending oneself, adaptable but capable of staying the course, adapting but staying oneself, complying then innovating …
  • trust lucidly


Gambetta said that the future was not forbidden to anyone. We will say that success is open to all those who activate and combine these four skills, make sure to work on them, maintain them and develop them. Developing this knowledge also means giving yourself the means to consolidate / strengthen your self-confidence. This trust makes it easier to take action, the success of our businesses and the quality of the relationships we build with others.

How to Improve Your Health Substantially

1. Breathing Exercises

2. Cook A Healthy Morning Breakfast

3. Handstands, Push-Ups, Crunches

4. Less Sugar

5. Write Down Your Thoughts

6. Read Books or Listen to Music


Reduce Anxiety During Public Speaking

Prepare, prepare, prepare!

Most of the time, we tend to feel nervous as a result of we tend to square measure fearful of being evaluated poorly by our audiences. The additional preparation you are doing prior time, the higher you may feel regarding your presentation. Do your analysis. think about your audience. Keep it attention-grabbing.

Practice, practice, practice!

Unknown variables build North American countries nervous as a result of we tend to keep imagining the worst-case state of affairs in our heads. The additional you apply

Present visual aids.

Visual aids cause you to feel less conspicuous as a result of you’re feeling just like the audience is watching the screen rather than at you. That’s not essentially the case, however, you’ll be able to fool yourself into a basic cognitive process that.

Parents! Don’t Miss These Signs of School Bullying

Possible signs that a child is being bullied at school include:

  1. Acting in a way that is out of character for the child.
  • Losing valuables such as lunch money or possessions. Bullying behavior tends to peak in middle school years, but it can happen at any age, solutions for those most in need. Victims of bullying may be reluctant to inform their parents or others. So it is important for parents to be observant for signs that their child may be getting bullied and respond accordingly, he emphasizes. But parents can help stop bullying before it starts and be part of the solution when it occurs.

Some steps parents can take to help their child include:

  • Be informed. Find out your school’s policy on bullying and speak to the principal or other administrator.
  • Be engaged. Talk to your child about his or her experience. Don’t judge, just listen.
  • Be a team. Involve your child in strategies to help stop the bullying. Get the teachers on board so everyone knows what to do when problem behavior occurs.

This is How the world will look after Coronavirus

A world less open and less free

The end of globalization

China-centered globalization


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